Monday, July 23, 2012

How to: Michelada

Have you heard of a Michelada? Have you tried a Michelada? Well if you haven't heard nor tasted a Michelada and want to try something different here is the receipe, try it out and let me know what you think.

But wait ... what is a Michelada you ask? Well a Michelada is a popular Mexican cocktail. Its one of the "in drinks" at most restaurants and bars at the moment. I've heard you can compare this drink to a Bloody Mary but in my opinion its nothing like it. An authentic Michelada must include lime, salt, Worcestershire and Maggi. Oh, and the name Michelada comes from the phrase Mi Chela Helada or My Cold Beer.

Alright enough of that here are the steps:

This is what you will need:
Ice cold beer glass, Clamato [Tomato Cocktail], Chile Sal [Chile Salt], Tajin [spice mix], Maggie Jugo [Maggi liquid seasoning], Tabasco, salt, lime and whatever beer you want to add. I prefer Corona, Modelo or Victoria's.
LEA Lumiere

I almost forgot the "unexpected" ingredient...
LEA Lumiere

On a plate add the powder ingredients:
LEA Lumiere

Now grab the lime and rim the iced glass.
LEA Lumiere

Dip the rim into that powder ingredients and pour the remainding into the glass. LEA Lumiere

Lets add the ingredients into the glass -in no particular order or measurement.

For this size of glass, I suppose its the average size beer glass, I'd suggest adding half teaspoon of Worcestershire, Maggi and Tabasco to start. Personally I just pour the stuff in until my taste buds like the taste.

Of course I forgot the picture of the Worcestershire being added but 
go ahead and add it now.

Now add Maggi jugo [juice/liquid] consistancy
LEA Lumiere

Now the TABASCO ... YUUMMY!!
 LEA Lumiere

Enter the Chile Sal  [Chile Salt]
LEA Lumiere

Add some lime. Here only half is pictured but one and half were added to this drink.
LEA Lumiere

Add some ice
LEA Lumiere

We decided to add the other half of lime and then about a cup and a half of Clamato juice.


LEA Lumiere

Right before you add the beer add some salt to taste. Here we used Corona or Victoria's ah.. to be honest I don't remember. LOL In my defense it was after a BBQ party welcoming home Sgt. Gudino from his 18 month service in Kuwait so hey we had to party ... till 5:ooam ...and this was at about 9:00am. Yeah, I know crazy Mexicans! LOL
[Side note incase you missed it ... I'm Mexican so I can say that. ha.] 
LEA Lumiere 

And there you go .. Salud!
LEA Lumiere 

Have you tried a Michelada? Did you like it?
Let me know if you try making a Michelada.

Until the next post,
LEA Lumiere

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