Monday, September 19, 2011

Nightstand Before and After

Hello everyone! How was your weekend? My weekend seemed long but really who am I kidding its only two days. At any rate I managed to complete a dresser, I think thats what it is. Due to weather conditions in the days past I wasn't able to finish it sooner. But as soon as the elements cleared out I went back to work! I'll be sharing pictures with you soon for that project.

I also completed my very own cereal box sunburst mirror, yay! It turned out better than I anticipated considering it is literally made from a cereal box. I'll post pictures and a step by step on how you can make one too. 

But now let me introduce you to this little guy whom I found and just couldn't walk away from.

LEA Lumiere

I saw him and thought "Eh, I really don't need it." I then walked away and some how managed to find myself eyeballing it yet again! Only this time some guy saw me checking it out and as he quickly approached my animal instinct snapped "Hurry grab the tag and run!"  and so I did! And let me tell you I am so glad I did.
(On a side note this little guy is super heavy.)

Check out the hardware! This was a major factor in me getting this little guy. Nothing a couple coats of spray paint can't glorify.
LEA Lumiere

Next I started sanding my life away. As you can see I still had a little more sanding to go.

 LEA Lumiere

I forgot to snap pictures of the "in progress" night stand. But really I'm sure you want to see the finished product, right? Well here it is...

First are the drawers with fixtures in place
LEA Lumiere

Then the stand --goodness this thing was heavy!
LEA Lumiere

And here they become one
LEA Lumiere
And here it is in my bedroom. Just threw any ol' thing on top to take the picture. And please don't mind that nasty floor, ugh, there is only so much I can do to a rental apartment {sigh}. Can you see the flash on the window? Yeah, thats the building next door! Super close huh? I always keep my blinds down just incase {considering some roman blinds-haven't made up my mind.}

I didn't feel like editing this picture to remove "that floor" LOL lazy just lazy I know. I think I'm going to get some kind of rug/mat to cover the area up a little.

LEA Lumiere

I am really happy with the results and have already put this little guy to good use. What do you think?

Until the next post ...
LEA Lumiere


  1. It's amazing what a coat of white paint can do on furniture. I just painted a nightstand white myself. I have to put the hardware back on though at some point. It's just sitting in the living room at this point waiting to be photographed....anyhoo thanks for your lovely comments on our chair makeover.

  2. This looks great! I love white paint! You should link your projects up to linky-parties!

    1. Thank you for checking out my piece of work. Sorry I hadn't replied sooner sadly I had no clue how to set my blog up where I could reply to comment - until now. And thanks for the linky- party ideas I actually followed your suggestion =)

  3. Replies
    1. Many thanks - I must say this little guy is quite nice =]


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