Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Twice In One Day?!

Yeah I know twice in one day who does that? Oh yeah I do  -ha-
Alright lets hop right into it ... the reason I am posting again is just to share some of the DIY projects I've done in the past week or so. Want to see them?  Is that a yes? Well alrighty then lets get started.

Once upon a time (8 years ago) I purchased a huge mirror with a gold frame at none other than Family Dollar for $15.00.  "Goldie" as I'll call the mirror has been through war and back and has even been wounded in battle (aka moving).   Fear not my friends Goldie has for ever been changed!  It is amazing what a little primer and spray paint can do I tell you ... look at Goldie now ...

Lea Lumieré

And a close up of Goldie

LEA Lumiere

Last week in a far far away place where lost treasures can be found (Goodwill) I came across this lost and ever so lonely little fella "Chair" and his friend "Table".  I walked around them more than once thinking "What can I do to help these little fellas?" Instantly I thought "Take them before some else does I'll figure the rest out later!"

Fast forward to this week "Chair" has taken a fresh coat of paint and new cushion fabric. However, "Table" has only been primed. Stay tuned for the big reveal of "Table". Check out "Chair's" transformation below.  Let me know what you think.

LEA Lumiere

You can totally see the beautiful details of  "Chair" now.

LEA Lumiere

This one is not so much of a dramatic change. I took some picture frames from my parents house gave them a fresh coat of white spray paint and turned them into new frames. These frames althought pretty dated have beautiful details. My mom insisted on spending money to have four matching white frames but I insisted and spoke of my mad skills! Let's be real new pretty frames are expensive.  I'd say this little project saved approximately $40-50.00.  And all with a $4.00 + tax can of spray paint!

LEA Lumiere

LEA Lumiere

Ok, seriously this is the last post of the day! I may complete "Table" and some small projects tonight and share tomorrow. Stay tuned! 

I'm off and headed yet again to the movies for a screening of "Smurfs"! I'm so excited! Since I saw the previews I knew I just had to watch it. I watched Smurfs cartoons all the time as a kid so having them now years later come back and in a movie form is totally awesome!

Until the next post...

LEA Lumiere

Movie Night 'N Then Some...

After a long day at the office I went to a screening of "Crazy Stupid Love" but not before battling with traffic. Goodness these Chicago expressways are horrible during rush hours! At any rate my friends Laura, Yvette and Cef joined on the movie experience. My review, drum roll please, 4 out of 5 stars! I liked it. It was cute, corny, funny and hilarious in some parts. But the best parts were when Ryan Gosling took his shirt off! WHOA Momma he is the definition of sexy. I think I'm developing a crush on that man. LOL


Here is a picture Ryan from the movie. It doesn't do him any justice-trust me he looks so much better on a movie screen. LOL


Afterwards everyone went home me included. The drive home was nice- windows down, sun roof open and the breeze was perfect. After all these days of ridiculous heat it was about time the temperature dropped. So, what did I do when I got home? Worked on some DIY Projects of course.  Finishing off a "laptop" table and primed a table that will be used in my living room. I plan on finishing the living room table tonight I'm having company Saturday and want to have my place all spiffied up by then. Oh, I plan on starting my headboard soon! I have to get creative with that one its nice and simple but needs love and a new look. I'm thinking shabby chic but we'll see. I'll post the pictures once I've completed each project so I can show you the before and after at the same time.

Until the next post  


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Hello World 'tis I

Hello and welcome to day one of my blog! I'm so excited to get this thing started and learning refreshing on all this blogging business which is actually pretty exciting.  So, take it easy on me I know I'm going to misspell many words (is there a spell check on blogger?) LOL --

Let me start with the basics who, what, when and where ...

Who am I going to blog about?
Me of course! ;) I'm a Freelance Makeup Artist. I'm a crafty person with a new found 'ambition' in DIY Projects courtesy of all these wonderful ladies in Blog land (Blogger) who have mad skills and are kind enough to share their passion with the world. I figured what the heck why not give it a go.

What am I going to blog about?
Anything. Everything. Nada.  The intention is to share some DIY projects past and present and perhaps random makeup related stuff. At the same time if I decide to share other random things I will. Those random things could be about my day, a project I'm working on or want to work on, Makeup basically anything ;)

When did I start bloggin?
To be honest I've had this blog for a while but hadn't done a thing with it until now.

Where will I be bloggin?
Hm, I suppose any where.

Here is a picture of my first DIY project I purchased some vanity fixtures from Menards,  extension cord and dimmer and voila! Studio light!

Until the next post ...